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Showing posts from September, 2022

Silence Unbroken - Prologue

                      [This story was written in 2018 and has yet to be updated]        Only the Seven and One have walked these halls.  A robed woman – one of the seven - walked downward the elevated hallway, towards the meditation chamber. Lit by dim candles every few meters apart, casting weak yellow light and soft shadows. As a result, the otherwise featureless narrow hall was transformed into an eerie portal. The enclosed hallway allowed little air, causing the Seeker mild nausea and a feeling of suffocation. She diverted her attention away from her body. Minor physical discomforts were a very trivial matter, especially at the peak of her concentration – and a meeting of the Seven and One demanded no less. She was the last to enter the barren meditation chamber. The room was small enough, anything else would have restricted whatever space available. Only four bright conches at four corners exi...