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Showing posts from October, 2022

Summer Time Rendering - Review (Spoiler-Free)

             Rating: 9/10                   It has been a long time since I’ve watched a recent anime and felt thrilled by watching it while admiring its plot and pacing. Summer Time Rendering is an exciting story full of plot twists, great character writing, incredibly well-thought pacing and a satisfying ending to an amazing journey. It’s available for streaming on Disney Plus , so if you have a subscription, I recommend checking it out as soon as possible. One of the most interesting mechanisms that’s used in Summer Time Rendering is time travel. As a mechanism or a gimmick, time travel has been used again and again in media. If time travel was a horse, it’s been resurrected and beaten to death way too many times. But Summer Time Rendering not only manages to use this mechanism/gimmick to full extent, it does so in a refreshing way. The ability to time travel is something that fits in the l...

Enderal | Pride and Downfall

The probability of you knowing about Enderal is slim, but if that’s incorrect, feel free to skip this paragraph. Enderal is a total conversion mod made for Skyrim. For those unfamiliar with that, a TCM is a mod where the final product is a different game from the original one that was modded. A very popular example of this is the original Counter-Strike, which was a mod for Half-Life that was later acquired by Valve. So, Enderal is kind of a game that was made in Skyrim’s engine. It was made by a group of German devs called SureAI, and this is actually their fourth project. The first two were TCMs for Morrowind, and the third – called Nehrim – was a mod for Oblivion. Both Nehrim and Enderal are available on Steam with their own storefronts, and available for free given as long as you own a legal copy of the original game. In this piece, I want to talk about the core theme of the game. Suffice to say, I intend to spoil everything I can, so if you haven’t finished or even played the game...